

R. E. 戴蒙德联合公司.优德app下载 公司 关于 团队 奖状 注册 优德app下载安装 优德app下载安装 职业生涯 联系 优德app下载安装 负责工程. 可持续设计. 优德app下载. 我们做什么优德app下载安装▾ 优德app下载安装机械我们的机械工程师提供各种结构, 为建筑师提供基础设施和翻新支持优德app下载安装, 企业, 机构客户. Our engineering services include preliminary studies through 建设 documents to 建设 administration. R.E. Dimond team specializes in retrofit mechanical systems for existing buildings.电R.E. Dimond provides efficient state of the art lighting and power distribution system design for new buildings, 翻新现有建筑物和改造基础设施. Our innovative solutions to design challenges are based on a solid foundation of education and experience.管道R.E. Dimond and Associates采用“整体建筑”的设计方法. Our high-performance and environmentally-focused designs are key in affecting water efficiency, 污染系统, 一个可持续发展的场地. 技术Our BICSI Certified and Registered Communication Distribution staff (RCDD) have the knowledge and ongoing training required for the design, integration and implementation of information and communications technology systems and infrastructure. 优德app下载安全保卫人民和财产,R.E. Dimond and Associates can help you meet fire codes and standards as well as design fire protection systems for regular building and special applications such as computing centers, 艺术博物馆等.能源优德app下载安装R.E. Dimond and Associates can estimate 能源 savings and first costs for 能源 saving retrofits on existing buildings and calculate paybacks so owners can make sound financial decisions for 能源 saving measures. Once 能源 reduction is addressed, renewable alternatives are explored. 荡妇R.E. Dimond and Associates have completed 80+ 荡妇 projects and include 20 experienced 荡妇 professionals. 我们的团队已经使用荡妇技术十多年了.保护历史古迹While most engineering firms approach historic preservation projects with trepidation, R.E. Dimond and Associates relishes the challenges of adapting historic buildings to meet today’s environmental demands. We have been designing systems for historic structures since the late 1970s, 和我们地区最受尊敬的历史保护学家一起工作.优德app下载安装表演艺术R. E. Dimond and Associates believe  that the arts add value to most settings and  requires both solid engineering and imagination. We strive to balance the needs of performers and facility by providing comfortable interiors that are 能源 efficient, 环境友好,易于维护. 池市政建筑是社区的结构. R.E. Dimond and Associates engineers the comfortable interior environments that help stimulate conversation, 友情, 敬畏与勤奋. 辅助生活R.E. Dimond and Associates has provided renovation and ground-up 建设 services for 企业 客户 for over 40 years. Sustainable engineering helps increase employee productivity by providing an easily maintained, 舒适健康的室内环境. 可持续性R.E. Dimond and Associates is proud be at the forefront of sustainable design. Our engineers have designed multiple LEED and WELL-certified projects including geothermal and photovoltaic solar systems. We do 能源 modeling and  conduct 能源 audits and feasibility studies. Innovative design includes power distribution systems that generate behind-the-meter 能源 savings for customer and local utility. We understand the interoperability of systems and how to make them work together, which contribute to long-term building and occupant health and cost management. 技术商业建筑, 学校, and other large facilities can benefit from advanced technology like sensors, 开关, 还有可以省钱的智能设备, 能源, 和资源. 我们从不为了技术而追求技术. See how we pursue powerful smart systems that enhance the built environment for the benefit of users, 客户, 和社区. 高等教育R. E. Dimond and Associates believe adding value to college campus environments requires both solid engineering and imagination. We strive to balance the needs of higher education faculty and students by providing comfortable interiors that are 能源 efficient, 环境友好,易于维护. 保护历史古迹保护历史古迹 champions and protects places that tell the stories of our past. Dimond and Associates strive to protect these structures through a process which allows us to design efficient and effective systems with minimal impact on the historic fabric of the buildings 商业R.E. Dimond and Associates has provided renovation and ground-up 建设 services for 企业 customers over 35 years. Sustainable engineering helps increase employee productivity by providing comfortable, 健康的室内商业环境,易于维护. K-12R.E. 戴蒙德公司了解低维护的重要性, 成本效益, 可持续工程在K-12设施. R.E. Dimond has long-standing relationships with Indiana public school systems, 还有特许学校和私立学校 . 社区市政建筑是社区的结构. R.E. Dimond and Associates engineer the comfortable interior environments that help stimulate conversation, 友情, 敬畏与勤奋. 工业工业 facilities demand state-of-the-art technologies to ensure quality is never compromised during any stage of design, 建设, 以及你的设施生命周期操作. R.E. Dimond and Associates offer proven success with retro-commissioning and renovation of existing industrial facilities. 我们努力达到最高的效率标准. 市政满足我们国家公务员的需求,R. E. Dimond and Associates provide municipal 客户 a unique combination of quality control for schedule and budget issues while achieving sustainable measures that benefit the bottom line and create healthy spaces. 所有的优德app下载安装 我们的位置 位于印第安纳波利斯的心脏地带.E. 戴蒙德是印第安纳波利斯的一家机电工程咨询公司. We are easily accessible from major interstates around Indiana and offer large conference rooms suitable for hosting project meetings and free parking. 启动一个项目 联系Bill Eisler,机械优德app下载安装执行副总裁 比尔[email protected] 国会大街732号 印第安纳波利斯,46204 电话: 317.634.4672 连接 订阅电子邮件 版权所有©2023 网站 精心制作

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